Mar 10th, 2021




Present at virtual meeting: Rick Walker, Chuck Brazell, Steve Lowe, John Springer, Rich Munson, Ashley Tackett, and Lynn Easley.


Call to order by Rick Walker.

Present Minutes from last meeting


The minutes were previously emailed by Lynn Easley.

Motion to accept by Chuck Brazell, seconded by John Springer.

Financial Report




Receipts through March 10, 2021 were $1,700.00, which are current year dues from seventeen members.




There have been zero disbursements thus far in 2021.


General Comments:


The cash balance as of March 10, 2021 is $17,814.04.


Treasures Report accepted by acclimation.



Officer and Director Reports.


Rick Walker – The crew that is working on his dock doesn’t have their barge on the lake yet, but would still be willing to look at the mast if needed.


Chuck Brazell – Asked on if there was any word on when the water might be turned on at the dock. John Springer noted that the club does have a pump to pump lake water for washing off boats and things.


Ashley Tackett – Inquired about the Predict the Wind event. Rick Walker responded that with social events still limited, and with low attendance on Zoom meetings, it would be best to wait till things are more open for those kinds of events. Did suggest maybe we could use some of the videos Steve Lowe mentioned in the last meeting for a Zoom event.


Old Business

Slip Waiting List:


No current open slips and no one is on the list for a slip.

Mast Hoist:


John Springer met with the people at 110 Welding. They suggested spraying some penetrating oil into holes in the mast hoist, for 7 days, and supplied John with a can they recommend. Then they could come out and heat the mast sleeve and use a chain with a 20 foot cheater bar. They thought that would be able to break it loose. John Springer and Rich Munson volunteered to spray it down over the next 7 days.


New Business

March 27 Spring Fling Event:


Due to so many participants being gone that weekend, it was recommend to change it to another day. It was decided to set it up for April 24, coinciding with the Cheese Burger in Paradise Dock party. It would conflict with one of the Saturday race series, but Jim Stevenson indicated he would be flexible on those dates. Rich Munson will send out an email detailing the event. John Springer also mentioned that the Wednesday evening sails would start on March 17th after daylight savings time goes into effect.




Date and Time of Next Meeting:


The next monthly meeting is currently scheduled for April 14th at 1:00 PM via Zoom.




Motion to adjourn by Rich Munson, seconded by Chuck Brazell.