April 14th, 2021




Present at virtual meeting: Rick Walker, Steve Lowe, John Springer, Rich Munson, and Lynn Easley.


Call to order by Rick Walker.

Present Minutes from last meeting


The minutes were previously emailed by Lynn Easley.

Motion to accept by Steve Lowe, seconded by John Springer.

Financial Report




Receipts through April 14 10, 2021 were $1,900.00, which are current year dues from nineteen members.




There have been zero disbursements thus far in 2021.


General Comments:


The cash balance as of April 14 10, 2021 is $18,014.04

Two previous members have declined to renew for 2021.


Treasures Report accepted by acclimation.



Officer and Director Reports.


Rick Walker – Remarked that he has finally had his boat out two times recently under sail.


John Springer – Noted that the club has dropped the Post Office Box rental due to its costs, and he will use his home address going forward as the mailing address for LPYC.


Old Business

Slip Waiting List:


No current open slips and no one is on the list for a slip.

Mast Hoist:


The attempt to break the mast crane loose failed, and in the process breaking one of the chain links on the chain wrench used. The company that had said they could try heating it up has declined to work on it citing liability concerns. The club will make an additional attempt to break it loose. John Springer will check on renting another chain wrench and additional chain to get a better angle in an another attempt to break it loose.


April 24 Spring Fling Event and Cheeseburger in Paradise Dock Party:


The combined Spring Fling Race and Cheeseburger in Paradise dock party is to be held this Saturday, April 24th. Skippers meeting at 11:00, with the Race starting at noon. The race course will be the same as last years. The dock party will be that evening. Rich Munson said he could create a graphic, and John Springer will send out an email reminding the members of the upcoming event.


New Business

Interest in Reopening Social Events Going Forward:


Steve Lowe asked if there was interest in starting up the social events now than many of the members have had their shots and the state is some what open. It was noted that Texas Music City has a fine outdoor seating tables. The directors agreed to resume the in person monthly meetings and change the time back to noon. Rick Walker will send out an email asking for the members opinions on Third Friday Social events and other social events.



Date and Time of Next Meeting:


The next monthly meeting is currently scheduled for May 12th at noon at Texas Music City.




Motion to adjourn by John Springer, seconded by Rich Munson.