October 13th, 2021




Present at meeting: John Springer, Rich Munson, Ben Hooks, and Lynn Easley.


Financial Report


No change since last month.



Receipts for 2021 through October 13th were $1,900.00, which are current year dues from nineteen members.




Disbursements for 2021 through October 13th were $713.80 for operations and $463.26 for capital as follows:




$400.00 Storage Locker.

$202.06 Social-Cheeseburger in Paradise and Hot Dogs dock parties.

$100.00 Slip Rental.

$11.74 Trophy Engraving.




$136.08 Pontoon Boat Repairs.

$327.18 Hoist ($230.00 for a contractor to free the %@*&^$).


For operations, we have a cash surplus of $1,186.20.


General Comments:


The cash balance as of October 13th, 2021 is $16,836.98. The cash balance at this time last year was $15,779.61 and at year end was $16,114.04.


Treasures report accepted by acclimation.



Officer and Director Reports.


Ben Hooks – Since the mast crane is a LPYC asset he feels like non-members wishing to use it should be charged a fee. He suggested a $50 fee for non-members. Of course LPYC members have free use of the mast crane. Motion approved with no dissent. John Springer will purchase a lock to lock the mast crane. Keys will be located in the LPYC storage locker room.



Old Business


Slip Waiting List:


No one currently.


New Business



Octoberfest Regatta:


With some of the participants being out of town that weekend, and with the Steve Herber Turkey Race in just a few weeks, it was decided to just have the Steve Herber Turkey Race and have the cookout on the dock with that event. Rich Munson will send out an email informing the members and John Springer will provide information on the upcoming Steve Herber Turkey Race.


Christmas Dinner Discussion:


The Christmas Dinner is currently scheduled for December 11th at Eagle’s Bluff. Rich Munson asked whether we should go with the buffet or the individual orders. The issue with the buffet is it has a minimum of 20 attendees. Any less than that and we would have a lot of food left over which has been the case in past years. The individual orders tend to be more expensive per person. He will get the price list for the individual orders, before the club makes the final decision.


Change of Directors Meetings Days:


One nameless director keeps changing their work schedule and asked if it would possible to change the meeting day. It was decided to set the date and time for the next meeting at the current meeting in order to maximize the number of attendees. The next meeting is scheduled for Saturday November 13th. Because that is the scheduled day for the Steve Herber Turkey race, it will be held at 9:00 am at Lake Palestine Marina docks. If the weather is bad, John Springer will make his boat available for the meeting.



Date and Time of Next Meeting:


The next monthly meeting is scheduled for Saturday November 13 at Lake Palestine Marina docks at 9:00 am.




Motion to adjourn by acclimation.